Prescription diets – how they work

Prescription or therapeutic veterinary diets are quite different from your run of the mill pet food. These diets are designed to treat specific medical conditions and in some cases may form the only treatment for a patient's condition. These diets have gotten alot of attention recently; many people mistake prescription diets to mean the food … Continue reading Prescription diets – how they work

The top 5 pet nutrition mistakes you’re making

There are many reasons you've chosen to feed the way you do, but could you be unknowingly be making mistakes when it comes to your pet's diet? With a wealth of information online, we try to reconcile and integrate these hints and tips from a variety of sources to try and do the best for … Continue reading The top 5 pet nutrition mistakes you’re making

Joint care for dogs – to supplement or not?

With many dogs suffering from some form of joint condition or disease, many pet owners turn to supplements or alternative treatments to help ease the pain. However not all supplements or home remedies are effective, or even safe. So let's explore the current research on joint supplements and joint diets in dogs, both what works … Continue reading Joint care for dogs – to supplement or not?